With the birth of Social Media and the Internet being available in every household, the ability to monitoring your children has become more difficult.
When I was a child growing up, our idea of fun and keeping connected, would be going out for ice cream or meeting down the beach to play volleyball or sing some songs. We did not have mobile phones. I actually had my first basic phone, after I moved to the UK and turned 21. It was a present from my brothers. I think I still have it somewhere.
Nowadays, everyone has access to a mobile phone, no matter the age. I wonder how many parents actually know how to use the Child Safety features and Parental Controls on the devices. How many actually bother to check their kids devices or even have a talk with them about safety and grooming ?!
The world out there is more dangerous then you can even imagine. Children go missing EVERY DAY, children are abused EVERY DAY, children are murdered EVERY DAY.
Did You Know That Paedophiles Actually Have A Manual On How To Groom Children?
There are various "grooming guides" floating around online and amongst predators. Â Officials say most are amateur, but a handful are frighteningly slick.
Please educate yourselves, it could be what saves your child or someone elses child.
170-page guide teaches pedophiles how to target your children

RESEARCH AND LEARN HOW TO PROTECT YOUR CHILD don't hide from what's unsavoury to hear, because is too much to listen to, too painful to see. Think of all those poor kids abducted every single day, being torture and simply having to comply or die. They do not get a choice, they do not get to say wait, stop, slow down, be more gentle, because if they speak up, it will be much worse !
Please, protect ALL CHILDREN by learning what happens and how to prevent it from happening, educate the kids on how to stay safe and what to look out for. It's important to have this talk with them, because the world we live in, is far from what you think it is.
Education leads to awareness, awareness in turn disrupts the demand as the perpetrators can no longer follow the pattern and in turn will start to make mistakes and reveal themselves.
Help us to get rid of the evils of our world.