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Healing With Graceful Light

Your Journey Begins Within


Seichem & Usui Reiki Healing

At the end if the 19th century a healing  method was rediscovered in ancient Sanskrit text by a Japanese scholar, Mikaomi Usui. 


He called it Reiki (pronounced RAY KEY) a Japanese  word meaning Universal Life Energy. Reiki was taken to America in the1940’s. Seichem, pronounced SAY KEEM, is  reputedly one  of  the  healing  arts  practiced  in ancient Egypt. Reiki and Seichem has no association with  religion, faith or belief systems, and can be received by anyone who is willing to be healed.


Reiki  healing benefits  physical, mental  and emotional health. 

Seichem is based on and originated from the same source as Reiki. Tera-Mai Seichem was given to Kathleen Milner by Buddha and through Tera-Mai Seichem we call forth and channel all four elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air.


Healing is given in a non-intrusive hands-on treatment, and it can also be sent across distance through time and space to people, situations, plants and animals and the recipient remains fully clothed. Some people feel very relaxed and may even fall asleep, others talk about what they are feeling. The healing energy can feel hot or cold, and there may be tingling sensations. Seichem is just like Reiki, however in addition hands may be working in the aura which surrounds the body. 


Seichem uses four elemental healing rays Reiki (earth energy) is felt as heat or cold and can benefit physical, mental and emotional health. It forms a base through which the other elemental rays can work.


Reiki - (Earth Element), this can be experienced as hot or cold characteristics of the earth energy are those of grounding and foundation. Reiki is fundamental to all other elemental healing rays. Reiki harmonizes and rebalances the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.


Sakara(Fire Element), this can be experienced as tingling, electrical impulses. Sakara works in the aura, burns through and transforms blockages in the physical, mental, emotional and other spiritual bodies. Sakara grounds all other healing energy.


Sophie - El(Water Element), this can be experienced as cool. Sophie - El reaches deep into the core within the emotional bodies, it opens the heart to receive love and feel compassion, aiding emotional and sexual healing.


Air/Angelic Light(Air and Spirit) is a two-fold ray, working with both the element Air and the Angelic realm. 

This can be experienced as cool wafting breezes. Air expresses the qualities of communication, enhancing the healer’s perception and facilitating an improved spiritual link between the client, healer and Ascended Master.

It enhances the power of the third eye. Healer &  healed often experience the presence of Angels. These rays work individually or together depending on the needs of the client.

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