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Healing With Graceful Light

Your Journey Begins Within

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Sound Healing

Where does Pellowah originate from ? A question that is asked often! Particularly when the word calls to someone without any concept of why!


Many people are drawn to attune to Pellowah for their own spiritual growth and enlightenment. The purpose of Pellowah is to increase YOUR capacity for positive change: To enable YOU to reach your highest purpose and potential.


Pellowah may be new compared to other well known other forms of healing, however is more powerful and currently considered one of the PUREST forms of healing.

The name Pellowah was given to this Energy Healing Technique by an Australian Spiritual Healer named Kachina Ma'an, who first channeled this modality in 2003, who was directed by spirit through a series of dreams and visions and in 2004 is when she began to training others in this new energy modality.


Pellowah is an angelic word meaning “Radical Shift in Consciousness” – its primary reason for being channeled at this time is for awakening the consciousness of humanity.  


Although an angelic word, Pellowah energy does not originate from the angelic realms. It is pure source energy, a direct transmission from the Light.


Unlike other forms of energy healing, Pellowah does not work through the Practitioner, instead it is direct from source to the person receiving the healing. All the practitioner receives during his or her training, is the attunements that enable them to initiate the Pellowah energy and hold the healing space for the person receiving it. The practitioner will NOT diagnose or interpret the experience of the client, as this is PERSONAL to the individual and its part of their journey.


Pellowah is simple, yet powerful and effective despite expectations, preconceived ideas or no experience meaning that as the person receiving it, you may experience huge shifts immediately following a session, or the effects may be subtle, yet profound, unfolding over a period of time.

  • What Is Pellowah ?
    Pellowah is a Channelled High Vibrational Frequency Energy, which can help you take charge of your own life and increase your capacity for a positive, permanent change. It uses an extremely high vibrational energy frequency, that activates & reconnects all of your 12 strands of DNA, which in turn reconnects you to your highest potential. People are usually drawn to Pellowah when the timing is right for them to move forward in their lives.
  • Does The Energy Go Through The Practitioner As In Reiki ?
    No. Unlike Reiki, or some other forms of Healing, the Pellowah Practitioner is not a vessel receiving energy through their bodies, instead, Source Energy comes through directly to the client and the practitioner is there to simply ACTIVATE the energy, keepig it FLOWING and to HOLD SPACE for the client.
  • Will The Practitioner Help Me To Understand My Experience ?
    NO. Pellowah Energy Healing is a VERY personal experience connected to the individual's CONSCIOUSNESS, therefore, each and everyone will have a different reaction to the session. From non existent to a very powerful release through from emotions or physical. The practitioner is not allowed to offer their personal opinion into your experience. Pellowah, stands for a Rapid Shift In Consciousness, meaning it’s a call for you to choose to open up and explore deeper about who you are, through spiritual growth and conscious progression. Pellowah is a way to expand your own awakening and personal horizons. All the practitioner can offer, is support and guidance to help you dive deeper within yourself with leading questions, but they will NEVER offer their opinion.
  • How Does Pellowah Work ?
    Pellowah connects all 12 strands of DNA – ready for activation. It unblocks and realigns all the meridians within the body, giving a feeling of well-being and connection which allows for a Radical Shift in Consciousness. Importantly, through this we are able to make choices which take us to greater heights and levels in our life. The healing effects of Pellowah are a wonderful by-product of a ‘Shift in Consciousness’. You may experience new expanded perception and a more objective understanding and outlook on life. Each Pellowah session is different. Pellowah works with the individual to build new pathways to awareness and consciousness. Everything that happens in a session is focused on the client. Pellowah calls to you at the time that is right for you! Whether as an individual at a crossroads or a client requiring a session.
  • What To Expect During A Session ?
    Sessions are mostly conducted REMOTELY, however, if you prefer to visit the Healing Room, clients will be expected to lay on a treatement bed, fully clothed, often under a blanket and the session will be ‘Hands Off ‘ lasting 45-60 minutes. Wether you choose to receive a session in the comfort of your own home, or at the practice, you will be required to wear an eye mask and ear plugs. This is required in order to remove ANY triggers and allow you to fully focus within and connect with yourself. Scents are also discouraged.
  • What Are The Benefits Of Pellowah ?
    As previously mentiones, Pellowah connects all 12 strands of DNA – ready for activation. It unblocks and realigns all the meridians within the body, giving a feeling of well-being and connection which allows for a Radical Shift in Consciousness. Importantly, through this we are able to make choices which take us to greater heights and levels in our life. The healing effects of Pellowah are a wonderful by-product of a ‘Shift in Consciousness’. You may experience new expanded perception and a more objective understanding and outlook on life. In addition, through the Pellowah healing technique you may also experience the following: ~ Increase your personal capacity for positive change ~ Empowers you to take charge of your life ~ Generates new and expanded perspectives ~ Attain a new lightness and sense of well-being that increases over time ~ Create a stronger connection to Source/The Divine ~ Remove blocks, enabling clearer guidance ~ Increased intuition ~ Realign the body meridians ~ Connect the 12 strands of DNA ~ Activate the connected 12 strands of DNA ~ Calming of emotions ~ Greater feeling of Inner peace and clarity of mind ~ Increase inner strength and confidence ~ Overcome fear, self-doubt, anxiety and depression. When people with busy minds come to receive this treatment, they will often receive clarity and find the answer/solution to the question / problem that they have been searching for. People who are going through a time of massive upheavals in their lives, or standing at a crossroad trying to make important decisions that will change the entire course of their lives, will find Pellowah extremely valuable for reaching the most favourable outcome.
  • How Often Should I Receive Pellowah ?
    Everyone is different as are their needs. It really depends on how ready you are for the change and how open you come in to the session and how you react to it. Even only one Pellowah Energy Healing session can make a huge difference. Others may require weekly sessions. However, we suggest leaving at least 4 weeks between sessions, to allow you enough time to integrate Mind, Body and Spirit a give you time to process or realize the changes.
  • What Happens After A Pellowah Session ?
    Many other forms of energy healing produce positive feelings that may last between 1 day to 1 week. Pellowah on the other hand, provides a feeling of well-being that seems to be ongoing, long lasting and it actually gets stronger as time goes by. This is because healing occurs from the inside out - the light in every cell of your being has been activated by Pellowah causing the 'new you' to come out of the old shell and shine brightly. It is strongly advised that no other forms of healing should take place for 24 hours after a Pellowah treatment e.g. a massage, reflexology, etc. If you receive other treatments before the Pellowah energy has had a chance to settle in your energetic field & physical body, the Pellowah energy will stop flowing and this may then reduce its effectiveness. Drinking a lot of water in the few days following the treatment will enhance the changes going on within your body. Preferably take things a little steady for 24 hours after a Pellowah treatment - be kind to yourself with lots of TLC. The Practitioner will be available for you 24 hours after the healing session to discuss the effects of Pellowah if needs be.
  • Who Is Suitable to reiceive Pellowah Healing ?
    ANYONE who is instinctively guided to find a Pellowah Practitioner. This usually means they are then ready to move forward and change their lives for the better. There is NO age suitability, even new borns can receive this, also pets, plants, trees. The only time, Pellowah is discouraged is if the client is drunk or high and it's not a common recurrance. More will be explained, if the need arises.
  • How Much Does It Cost?
    As with many other forms of healing, Pellowah stipulates that there must be a verbal exchange in order for it to work. An exchange, no matter what it is, it's energy. My regular exchange is set at £50, however, please see check out Pellowah Offers or Block Booking Discounts, on my booking page. If you are struggling financially, please do not hesitate to contact me for a discussion on how I can help you. Remember, this must be a genuine request as if I am working with an energy of deceit, Pellowah won't work. Again, we are working DIRECTLY with Source Energy.
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