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Healing With Graceful Light

Your Journey Begins Within

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Sound Healing

Where does Pellowah originate from ? A question that is asked often! Particularly when the word calls to someone without any concept of why!


Many people are drawn to attune to Pellowah for their own spiritual growth and enlightenment. The purpose of Pellowah is to increase YOUR capacity for positive change: To enable YOU to reach your highest purpose and potential.


Pellowah may be new compared to other well known other forms of healing, however is more powerful and currently considered one of the PUREST forms of healing.

The name Pellowah was given to this Energy Healing Technique by an Australian Spiritual Healer named Kachina Ma'an, who first channeled this modality in 2003, who was directed by spirit through a series of dreams and visions and in 2004 is when she began to training others in this new energy modality.


Pellowah is an angelic word meaning “Radical Shift in Consciousness” – its primary reason for being channeled at this time is for awakening the consciousness of humanity.  


Although an angelic word, Pellowah energy does not originate from the angelic realms. It is pure source energy, a direct transmission from the Light.


Unlike other forms of energy healing, Pellowah does not work through the Practitioner, instead it is direct from source to the person receiving the healing. All the practitioner receives during his or her training, is the attunements that enable them to initiate the Pellowah energy and hold the healing space for the person receiving it. The practitioner will NOT diagnose or interpret the experience of the client, as this is PERSONAL to the individual and its part of their journey.


Pellowah is simple, yet powerful and effective despite expectations, preconceived ideas or no experience meaning that as the person receiving it, you may experience huge shifts immediately following a session, or the effects may be subtle, yet profound, unfolding over a period of time.

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